MP3 creator speaks out, never meant to pirate music

Crabbyappleton used our news submit to tell us
that one of the inventors of the MP3 format, Karlheinz Brandenburg  has
said he never had thought MP3 would become so popular and certainly not that it
would be used to pirate music. He however thinks that MP3 can contribute to the
music business, only the record labels will need to find a good way to handle
this new way of music distribution.

"People should have easier access to music," he says. "They should be able to listen to it wherever they are and still pay for it. "My sympathy is always with the artists and even with the record labels. They should get paid for the work they do. "I don"t like the Napster idea that all music should be free to everybody." Instead Dr Brandenburg argues that the record labels need to look at ways of using the technology, rather than fighting it. "There are so many new opportunities for the music industry if they catch on and use the technology."

Brandenburg works for the FraunHofer Institute, which developed the MP3 format
and currently owns the MP3 license. Read more in this article on the
BBC website.


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