F.A.D.E. copy protection cracked?

Mattel007 used our newssubmit to tell us about DEViANCE's release of Operation Flashpoint. It should be protected with the F.A.D.E. copy protection....

It would appear that F.A.D.E. may have already been defeated. A software piracy group calling themselves 'DEViANCE' has released Operation Flashpoint onto the internet with the following note:

"while we tested we found no trace of the 'fabulous' 'FADE protection' - so we can only assume for now that the press releases about it were just the usual company bullshit"

Was there a protection on this cd and did they crack it? Don't they want the world to know how they did it? Or wansn't really no protection on the cd...? Again we can say: time will tell!

Source: Newssubmit

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