DVD recording becomes mainstream consumer product in 2003

The head of the DVD+RW Alliance, Maureen Weber, predicts that DVD recording will become the mainstream consumer product this year. Lower prices and increasing supply will spur consumers to add DVD recording capability to their home entertainment centres and computers:

And Maureen Weber said three issues will play a key role as consumers decide which of the competing DVD recording formats to pick when they're buying DVD recording equipment -- functionality, simplicity and compatibility.

Weber noted that the research firm In-Stat/MDR predicts DVD recorder sales will approach one million units in the United States for the first time this year and more than four million units worldwide, with triple-digit growth in sales expected through 2005.

Weber said mass-volume manufacturers are beginning to build DVD recording equipment, another sign that sales of DVD recording equipment will increase dramatically this year.

Now if only they would decide on one recordable and re-writeable DVD format. According to the head of the DVD+RW Alliance Plus-format DVD drives for computers quadrupled in worldwide market share during the first nine months of last year.

Source: Yahoo!Finance

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